
1.2 The Australian speech pathology landscape

Speech Pathology Australia (SPA) is the professional body representing speech pathologists in Australia.   Speech pathology is a self-regulating profession in Australia and a member of the National Alliance of Self-Regulating Health Professions (NASRHP).

Speech Pathology Australia (SPA) membership categories and commonly used acronyms

These are some of the membership categories and commonly used acronyms for speech pathologists in Australia:

  • Certified Practising Speech Pathologist (CPSP). This membership category is for suitably qualified speech pathologists engaged in activities of speech pathology practice who meet the Certification requirements for Certified Practising Speech Pathologist (CPSP) status.  CPSP status entitles speech pathologists to provide rebateable services for government-funded schemes such as the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and Medicare.
  • Member, Speech Pathology Australia (MSPA).  Speech pathologists who are members of Speech Pathology Australia can use this acronym.

In 2024, SPA had more than 13,000 members.  This number has grown considerably in recent years.  In 2015, there were 6044 Certified Practising Speech Pathologist (CPSP) members.  Despite the growth in graduates and membership, speech pathology services are not meeting the level of need and demand across Australia.  Speech pathologists are inequitably distributed across Australia with rural and remote areas having less access to speech pathology services, yet many of these locations have the highest need (SPA, 2023).

Speech pathologists work in diverse practice settings with the majority working in education settings or private practice.  Early intervention, disability service providers, hospitals and health services, and residential aged care are other commonly identified practice settings. The SPA member in this video outlines her practice contexts.

Tanya Ramadan – Member Profile by Speech Pathology Australia 

Interestingly, a considerable number of Australian speech pathologists have lived experiences of diverse perspectives that reflect the scope of speech pathologists’ practice.  These include cultural and linguistic diversity, experiences of living in rural and remote areas, experience of a communication, swallowing and/or learning difficulties, experience caring for family members and friends with disabilities, including communication challenges (Nancarrow et al., 2023).

Approximately 96% of SPA members are female and the majority speak English only.  Approximately 0.2% of Australian speech pathologists identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.

There are a range of demand drivers, or factors that influence demand for services, related to speech pathology.  These include (NSW Ministry of Health, 2018):

  • Improvement in survival rates (e.g. birth, cancer, stroke)
  • Population demographic changes and increased complexities (e.g. ageing population, migration, cultural and linguistic diversity, chronic disease, cancer, geographical distribution)
  • Government funding, research and policy (e.g. NDIS, MBS, university training)
  • Awareness of the profession (e.g. advocacy, multi-disciplinary teams, client expectations)
  • Scope of practice (e.g. growing and changing scope due to demands, evidence-based etc)
  • Service coverage and accessibility (e.g. greater demand for services has led to greater geographical access to services; telepractice)
“Australia is known for its international collaboration in research, advocacy, leadership in practice (clinical) education and training of the workforce, innovations in technology for service delivery, and global partnerships” (McLeod et al., 2023, p. 793).  Examples of international collaboration, global advocacy, and world-leading research centres include:
SPA hosts a national conference annually and produces two journals: International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Journal of Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology. SPA have committed to cultural responsiveness and privileging the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and Communities, the First Peoples of Australia, and have developed the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culturally responsive capability framework.  SPA supports the development of speech-language pathology in the Asia-Pacific region including Vietnam and Cambodia.


Explore the diverse careers available to you as a speech pathologist.

  • Conduct an internet search for speech pathology jobs by using employment websites such as Seek and Indeed.  What jobs did you find?
  • Conduct an internet search for speech pathology services in your local area.  What services are available?



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1.2 The Australian speech pathology landscape Copyright © 2025 by Frances Cochrane, Louise Brown, Deborah Denman, Roger Newman and Sophie Vigor is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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