
1.7 Evidence-based practice

A critical element of our work as speech pathologists, and the provision of quality services, is evidence-based practice (EBP).  The first standard (standard 1.1) in the Professional Standards for Speech Pathologists in Australia (SPA, 2020) is: Provide ethical and evidence-based practice.  The purpose of EBP is to assist health professionals with clinical decision making.  To make appropriate and informed clinical decisions, we need to integrate information from a number of different sources.

This video provides an overview of EBP.

EPB – The basics by Speech Pathology Australia

EBP in speech pathology has been defined as “an approach in which current, high-quality research evidence is integrated with practitioner expertise and client preferences and values, into the process of making clinical decisions” (ASHA, 2005, p. 1).  There are two common models used to further describe and outline EBP.  The two models are similar but conceptualise evidence relating to the ‘practice context’ differently.

The first is referred to as the E3BP model conceptualised by Dollaghan (2007).  In this model, three (3) types of equally-relevant evidence should be integrated into decision-making:

  1. Research-based evidence  (the best available evidence from systematic research with high internal validity that applies to a given clinical question);
  2. Practice-based evidence (evidence which is collected in a clinical setting and which can have greater real-life application; includes clinical expertise);
  3. Informed by patient or client preferences (how clinicians develop a shared understanding of preferences, values and goals of clients and their families/communities so the most appropriate service response is provided).

An enhancement to this model was proposed by Hoffman, Bennett, and Delmar (2013) who suggest it is necessary for health professionals to also consider the changing and diverse characteristics of the practice context in which you are working and interacting with clients.  The practice context includes potential service characteristics and constraints, the resources that may or may not be available in your practice context, as well as the broader policies and procedures associated with the practice context.  Therefore, the E3BP has been expanded to a four (4) component model (Figure 3):

  1. Research-based evidence;
  2. Information from the practice context;
  3. Patient values, circumstances etc;
  4. Clinical expertise.
a venn diagram of four overlapping circles titled research evidence, patient values, clinical expertise and information from practice context
Figure 3. A model of evidence based practice by James Cook University, adapted from Hoffman et al., is licensed under CC BY 4.0

There are a range of useful resources that will assist with your learning, understanding and application of EBP.  These include:


Extend your knowledge of the application of EBP by completing these short activities:

  • Access the Living Clinical Guidelines for Stroke Management.   Scroll down to Chapter 5 (Rehabilitation) and click onto ‘Communication difficulties’.  Then scroll to ‘Aphasia’.  In this section, you will see there are a number of practice points and statements.  Some of these statements indicate ‘strong recommendations’, others are ‘weak recommendations’.   The strength of these recommendations is related to the quality of research evidence.  Browse these sections and explore the research evidence included in the different statements.
  • Access the ASHA Evidence Maps. In the search section on the landing page, enter a term you are interested in exploring (e.g. stroke, dysphagia, cerebral palsy, speech sound, hearing loss, autism).  Browse the research evidence available for your topic.  Note you can refine your search by different types of evidence (i.e. external scientific evidence; clinical expertise; client perspectives).
  • Access Speechbite. In the search section on the landing page, enter a term you are interested in exploring (e.g. stroke, dysphagia, cerebral palsy, speech sound, hearing loss, autism).  Browse the research evidence available for your topic.  Some will be open access.  This will be a useful resource for your future practice.  If there are articles accessible only via a Paywall, please contact the university library to see if these are able to be accessed.


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Introduction to Speech Pathology Practice: Foundational Concepts for Australian First-year Students Copyright © 2025 by Frances Cochrane, Louise Brown, Deborah Denman, Roger Newman and Sophie Vigor is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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