
JCU Open eBooks Catalogue

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24 results
Introduction to Speech Pathology Practice: Foundational Concepts for Australian First-year Students book cover

Introduction to Speech Pathology Practice: Foundational Concepts for Australian First-year Students

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)  20 H5P Activities    English (Australia)

Author(s): Frances Cochrane, Louise Brown, Deborah Denman, Roger Newman, Sophie Vigor

Editor(s): Frances Cochrane

Subject(s): Speech and language disorders and therapy

Last updated: 24/03/2025

This eBook is designed for emerging speech pathology professionals. This peer reviewed resource lays a strong foundation for first-year speech pathology students by covering the core principles and concepts for speech pathology practice. The eBook begins with an exploration of the anatomy involved in communication and swallowing, offering insights into how the structures of the human body support these crucial functions. It then delves into the core aspects of communication development, covering the typical progression of speech, language and literacy skills from infancy through adulthood. It offers students a framework for understanding both typical and diversity in development, essential for effective assessment and intervention. Linguistics is another key area covered, offering insights into the structure and function of language, including syntax, pragmatics, semantics, morphology, phonology, and phonetics. This understanding is crucial for diagnosing and treating communication disorders. The eBook advocates for culturally responsive practice, outlining strategies for delivering effective and sensitive care to clients from diverse backgrounds. Additionally, the text addresses the practical application of foundational principles in assessing and treating communication and swallowing disorders.
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Documentation in Nursing and Midwifery: Australian edition book cover

Documentation in Nursing and Midwifery: Australian edition

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)  11 H5P Activities    English (Australia)

Author(s): Tanya Langtree, Elspeth Wood

Subject(s): Nursing fundamentals and skills, Medicolegal issues

Publisher: James Cook University

Last updated: 23/03/2025

Documenting patient care and records is an important skill for nurses. This peer reviewed eBook is designed for students in undergraduate nursing programs and addresses principles of documentation, legislation associated with documentation, methods and systems of documentation, and related documentation matters, in the Australian context.

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Introduction to Health Science book cover

Introduction to Health Science

CC BY (Attribution)  20 H5P Activities    English (Australia)

Author(s): Edited by Vicki Dunk

Editor(s): Vicki Dunk

Subject(s): Biology, life sciences, Anatomy, Physiology

Institution(s): James Cook University

Publisher: James Cook University

Last updated: 16/03/2025

This text focuses on the information that is typically assumed knowledge in a first semester, first year anatomy and physiology subject. It is a “what I wish I knew before I started my degree”. This text may be particularly helpful for students who didn’t take senior-level science subjects in Australian secondary schools.

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New Directions in Guidance and Counselling Research: 2022 Edition book cover

New Directions in Guidance and Counselling Research: 2022 Edition

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)   English (Australia)

Author(s): Ben Archer

Editor(s): Ben Archer

Subject(s): Social counselling and advice services, Counselling and care of students

Last updated: 20/02/2025

Authentic assessment creates a more equitable and accessible educational experience. With this in mind, this book is a co-creation by a selection of 2022 cohort of students studying the Master of Guidance and Counselling at James Cook University. It is a showcase of the varied work of postgraduate students and demonstrates their passion for the field of guidance and counselling. The re-worked assessment presented here contributes to the growing body of knowledge in the field of counselling, as well as demonstrating the need for new directions of research in the Australian context.

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Creative Commons for JCU Staff book cover

Creative Commons for JCU Staff

CC BY (Attribution)  65 H5P Activities    English (Australia)

Author(s): James Cook University Library

Subject(s): Copyright law

Institution(s): James Cook University

Publisher: James Cook University

Last updated: 20/02/2025

This eBook, adapted by Bronwen Forster, is designed for in-house professional development for James Cook University staff. This eBook is an adaptation of freely available course materials, including the materials for a US version of the official Creative Commons Certificate course. It includes H5P activities for participants to check their understanding while progressing through the units of information. JCU Library staff have enhanced the content with Australian content and examples.

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JCU OER Author Guide book cover

JCU OER Author Guide

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)  13 H5P Activities    English (Australia)

Author(s): Deborah King

Subject(s): Education

Publisher: James Cook University

Last updated: 20/02/2025

This Guide is for authors who are interested in publishing an Open Education Resource (OER) through the James Cook University Open Education Program.

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Expedition to the Great Barrier Reef: The story of a ground-breaking scientific mission to Low Isles, Queensland in 1928-1929, and an overview of its legacies book cover

Expedition to the Great Barrier Reef: The story of a ground-breaking scientific mission to Low Isles, Queensland in 1928-1929, and an overview of its legacies

CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution NonCommercial NoDerivatives)   English (United Kingdom)

Author(s): Trisha Fielding

Editor(s): Trisha Fielding

Subject(s): Australasian and Pacific history

Publisher: James Cook University

Last updated: 10/02/2025

This eBook was inspired by James Cook University Library's Sir Charles Maurice Yonge Collection, and includes contributions from Suzie Davies and Liz Downes.

Communication Skills for Health Professionals book cover

Communication Skills for Health Professionals

CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike)  51 H5P Activities    English (Australia)

Author(s): Brock Cook

Editor(s): Brock Cook

Subject(s): Educational: Health and social care

Institution(s): James Cook University

Publisher: James Cook University

Last updated: 21/01/2025

Communication Skills for Health Professionals is a comprehensive and practical textbook designed to equip individuals in health studies with the essential skills and strategies necessary for effective communication in their professional setting. This engaging and accessible resource provides a solid foundation for novice and experienced professionals to enhance their communication proficiency and succeed in their careers.

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Teaching with Technology book cover

Teaching with Technology

CC BY (Attribution)  36 H5P Activities    English (Australia)

Author(s): Frances Cochrane, Trine Paerata

Subject(s): Open learning, distance education, Educational equipment and technology, computer-aided learning (CAL)

Publisher: James Cook University

Last updated: 10/01/2025

This freely available eBook is designed to provide an overview of the entire process of teaching with technology, from planning to implementation.   Written for the Australian higher education context, this resource will help you plan, design, develop, and teach technology-enhanced subjects and courses.  Up to date information is included on strategies and recommendations that illustrate good practice pedagogical design; tips on planning, developing, and writing online subject content; as well as planning and facilitating online interaction.

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Shakespeare's Major Plays book cover

Shakespeare's Major Plays

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)  17 H5P Activities    English (United Kingdom)

Author(s): Cheryl Taylor

Editor(s): Kezia Perry

Subject(s): Biography, Literature and Literary studies, Education, Educational: Language, literature and literacy

Publisher: James Cook University

Last updated: 10/01/2025

This book is designed to assist upper secondary school and first and second-year university students in their reading and understanding of Shakespeare's plays. The plays selected for discussion are those that students are most likely to encounter in their early adventures with Shakespeare. Each discussion provides guidance on issues raised by each play and suggests approaches from which students can build original ideas and insights.

The book contains interactive exercises that are designed to assist students to understand and remember the characters, plots and structures of Shakespeare's plays. The book contains free full text copies of the plays. Volume 1 includes As You Like It, Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet.

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