About this Book

Please note that this eBook:

  • is currently a work in progress and is being iteratively released to students in 2024.
  • contains content and images that are ‘All Rights Reserved’ and may not be used without permission from the copyright holders (all images currently used in this eBook).
  • is for use by students of James Cook University only.


Except where otherwise indicated, all images and content of this book are ‘All Rights Reserved’. You may not reproduce any of the content in this book, including files downloadable from this eBook, without the express permission of the copyright owner/s.

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This eBook includes links to third-party websites that contain copyright-protected material, your access to the sites will be covered by terms between you and the other operator/owner of the site.


JCU Pharmacy staff have compiled this eBook in good faith, exercising due care and attention.



MD2012 - Medical Pharmacology Copyright © by Robi Islam; John Smithson; Shane MacDonald; and Karl McDermott. All Rights Reserved.