4.1 The Pharmacy Context
Beverley Glass
JOURNAL CLUBS are now common in medical and health education training programs.
In pharmacy, journal clubs are used in the academic and practice settings to develop and enhance critical skills for patient care. Pharmacists are often asked for recommendations regarding medications. The purpose of a Journal Club is for pharmacy students to critically evaluate the literature.
1. Surajit Bhattacharya. Journal club postgraduate medical education Indian J Plast Surg. 2017 Sep-Dec; 50(3): 302–305.
2. Requirements of the APPE Journal Club.
3. Schwartz M et al Improving journal club presentations, or I can present that paper in under 10 minutes.
4. Gershman J, 5 Tips for Mastering Your Journal Club Presentation, Pharmacy Times.
Activity 1️⃣⏰60 Minutes