5.5 Key Takeaways

Key Takeaways

After completing this topic you should be able to:

  • Describe the essential differences between Qualitative and Quantitative research methods
  • Describe EBP and explain the shift in research methods to obtain this evidence
  • Distinguish between ontology and epistemology
  • Describe constructivism, positivism and pragmatism and how they relate to research methodology
  • Compare qualitative and quantitative research terminology and definitions
  • Describe what is meant by mixed methods and the strength of such an approach when conducting your research
  • Describe how quantitative and qualitative research is evaluated for research rigour
  • Describe probability, non-probability, purposive and convenience sampling – when these various methods are used and given an example be able propose the most appropriate method, giving a reason
  • Differentiate between the sample sizes required for qualitative and quantitative research, explaining your reasoning
  • Describe the four key ethical principles of research
  • What persons should be included in an Ethics Committee according to the NHMRC guidelines?
  • List 4 important components to be included in a Research Protocol for submission to an Ethics Committee
  • Given a short case study you should be able to answer the question – is there anything questionable about the research
  • Describe the potential risks to conducting a research project
  • Given a scenario you can be asked to discuss the ethics
  • Describe AUTONOMY as it applies to sensitive topics and risk and vulnerability
  • Describe surveys and why they are used in quantitative research
  • Describe the three main survey designs giving an example of when you would use a particular design
  • Describe the steps involved in designing a survey
  • Distinguish between the funnel and inverted funnel format of survey design
  • Why is it important to optimize the length of a survey and how would you go about doing so?
  • Describe the types of question content giving an example in each case
  • Describe the use of standardised scales in surveys, including some examples of their purpose
  • What do you understand by the terms reliability and validity in terms of standardized scales in surveys?
  • List five basic principles for constructing a survey
  • Understand the response formats for questions and be able to construct a question using each one of these formats.

🔍Activity 1️⃣ Check your understanding


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