
TCAUE – Taxonomy and Credential Outline

15 Australasian University Educator’s Credential Outline


Associate University Educators

Foundation University Educators

Advanced University Educators

Customised provider statement

To be completed by each institution.

Example: Completion of this program is an indication of core knowledge and practice in educating, and a commitment to quality, continuing development, and improvement of learning and teaching at [name of university]. It contributes to lifelong learning and promotes resilience and adaptability to change.

To be completed by each institution.

To be completed by each institution.

Institutional values

To be completed by each institution.

Example: At JCU student learning is facilitated by teaching that is inspiring, motivating and research-informed. Teaching develops and draws on a repertoire of skills and strategies in order to respond to students’ needs, changing contexts and settings.

Teaching at JCU:

  • Enables students to achieve course and subject learning outcomes
  • Is scholarly, reflective, research-informed, and discipline-specific
  • Incorporates a variety of methods and modes
  • Has a local and global outlook which is focused on the Tropics, connected to community, and internationally and culturally informed.

Certification of learning

Stated learning outcomes – outline what the successful learner will know and can do based on participation or completion.

To be completed by each institution. This will vary depending on the credential being certified (level of achievement etc).

Delivery mode

e.g., online only, face-to-face, and hybrid

To be completed by each institution.

To be completed by each institution.

To be completed by each institution.

Volume of learning

The number of hours for typical learning (120-150 hours)

To be completed by each institution. Hours includes assessment (if applicable).

To be completed by each institution. Hours includes assessment.

To be completed by each institution. Hours includes assessment.


Associate University Educators

Foundation University Educators

Advanced University Educators

Personalisation and flexibility

To be completed by each institution.

Example: Staff undertake core modules from within the contextual and technical domains and then select additional modules (or complete other external activities) according to their experience, academic, and professional development needs. Highly experienced staff may be called upon to act as mentors in the program.

Assessment type

To be completed by each institution

Examples: Demonstration of skills development using an authentic situation.

An associate fellowship application as assessment/part assessment.

To be completed by each institution

Examples: Application of multiple skills to a complex problem.

Capstone subject as assessment.

A foundation fellowship application as assessment.

To be completed by each institution

Examples: Synthesis of multiple skills to one or more complex problems.

Capstone subject as assessment.

A senior fellowship application as assessment.

Equivalent AQF level, if assessed

This section is only completed if assessment is included.

Example: AQF Level 8

Example: AQF Level 8


To be completed by each institution


A professional certificate (internal)

To support an application for a HEA or HERDSA Fellowship.

Entry into Graduate Certificate.

To be completed by each institution


To support an application for a HEA or HERDSA Fellowship.

Part of a Graduate Certificate.

To be completed by each institution


To support an application for a HEA or HERDSA Fellowship.

AQF Award at Level 8. Articulation into Masters’ degree.

Quality assurance

Statement of legitimacy – validation – peers.

To be completed by each institution


To satisfy the university’s quality assurance requirements the Associate University Educator Program:

Includes a formative peer review process.

Utilises subject matter experts. Is aligned to the AQF and HESF.

To be completed by each institution


To satisfy the university’s quality assurance requirements the Foundation University Educator Program:

Includes formative and summative assessment.

Has a robust internal peer review process.
Actively includes input and feedback from subject matter experts. Is aligned to the AQF and HESF.

To be completed by each institution


To satisfy the university’s quality assurance requirements the Advanced University Educator Program:

Includes summative assessment.

Has a benchmarked, external peer review of performance. Actively includes input and feedback from subject matter experts. Is aligned to the AQF and HESF.


Associate University Educators

Foundation University Educators

Advanced University Educators


Assessment requires supervision

To be completed by each institution.

To be completed by each institution.

To be completed by each institution.

Verification of identity

Approach may vary depending on educator profile and platforms used.

To be completed by each institution.

To be completed by each institution.

To be completed by each institution.


To include a portability and certification statement.

[name and institution]

Foundation University Educator

AQF Level 8 equivalent

[x] hours of study

Certified by CAULLT

[date completed]

[date of certification]

[add portability statement]

Fees, cancellation and refund policy

To be completed by each institution.

Example: programs which have no formal assessment are offered free of charge.

Example: fees of $500.00 apply to each full program which includes a capstone module.


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