
Book Title: Taxonomy for Credentialing Australasian University Educators

Subtitle: Certified Professional Learning in Higher Education

Authors: Maree Dinan-Thompson; Andrea Lynch; Gillian Cowden; Simon Bedford; Liz Branigan; Lisa Cary; Shannon Johnston; Ann Luzeckyj; and Gina Saliba

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Book Information

Book Description

The TCAUE recognises and values the varied roles that educators have in student learning, and makes transparent the pathways for personal and professional development. As an Australasian credentialing framework, it is underpinned by regulatory requirements, is aligned to qualification and micro-credentialing frameworks, and permits university contextualisation and portability.


Maree Dinan-Thompson; Liz Branigan; Shannon Johnston; Simon Bedford; Ann Luzeckyj; Andrea Lynch; Gina Saliba; Lisa Cary; and Gillian Cowden


Maree Dinan-Thompson; Andrea Lynch; Gillian Cowden; Simon Bedford; Liz Branigan; Lisa Cary; Shannon Johnston; Ann Luzeckyj; and Gina Saliba



Higher education, tertiary education


Taxonomy for Credentialing Australasian University Educators
Maree Dinan-Thompson; Andrea Lynch; Gillian Cowden; Simon Bedford; Liz Branigan; Lisa Cary; Shannon Johnston; Ann Luzeckyj; and Gina Saliba
Sally Kift; Denise Chalmers; Gayle Morris; and Barbie Panther
Amber Swayn

Disclaimer   Note that corporate logos (and the logos of any other company represented) and branding are specifically excluded from the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Licence 4.0 of this work, and may not be reproduced under any circumstances without the express written permission of the copyright holders.

First published in 2022 by James Cook University

eISBN:  978-0-6455878-1-4

Funding Body:

This project was funded by the Council of Australasian University Leaders in Learning and Teaching (CAULLT)

To cite this work:

Dinan-Thompson, M., Lynch, A., Cowden, G., Bedford, S., Branigan, L., Cary, L., .Johnston, S., Luzeckyj, A., & Saliba, G. (2022). Taxonomy for credentialing Australasian university educators: Certified professional learning in higher education. James Cook University. https://doi.org/10.25120/ybrc-cj2n

Primary Subject
Higher education, tertiary education
Additional Subject(s)
Curriculum planning and development, Adult education, continuous learning, Student life
James Cook University
Publication Date
October 24, 2022
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Ebook ISBN