The Taxonomy for Credentialing Australasian University Educators (TCAUE)
11 Visual Representation of the Taxonomy
The TCAUE recognises and values all university educator’s contributions to quality teaching in higher education. Figure 2 presents a visual representation of the TCAUE. At the heart of the diagram is the active learning model which focuses on ‘educators in practice’ through cycles of reflection and continuous improvement. It includes words from the Principles Statement: equity, local and global, inclusion, diversity, Indigenous Peoples’ knowledges and experiences, wellbeing and safety, and respectful relationships, with reflection and continuous improvement underpinning educator approaches.
The dimensions of Engage-Apply-Evaluate (also see section 12) relate to the Six Essential Focus Areas. The core principles outlined in the Principles Statement feed into the six Essential Focus Areas of the TCAUE, which are:
- Learner-centred learning and teaching
- General capabilities
- Technology-enhanced learning (TEL)
- Learning outcomes and assessment
- Data and evaluation
- Policy and governance.
Figure 2, the visual representation of the taxonomy, illustrates that progression is not always sequential and logical, as learning may stem from reflective practice and evaluation, as much as it does from engagement or application. The exit pathway arrows lead to flexibility in outcomes (such as fellowship applications, and support for promotion), and indicate the various pathways that an educator may take.
The diagram is informed by national benchmarking activity (including the CAULLT research survey 2019), which revealed the need for action research, internships, and project- or strategy-based approaches to enhance improvements. However, educator experiences will be varied and will be discovered through the depth of reflection and proposed actions.

Defined in the AQF Review as contemporary, transferable skills (DESE, 2019, p.13).
Interpreted broadly as any learning that occurs through the application of electronic communications and computer-based educational technology, combined with pedagogical principles and practices that are applicable to and tailored for this purpose (TEQSA, 2019b, p.1).