5.4 Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial Fibrillation

Learning Outcomes

Be able to:

  • Define what atrial fibrillation is and the different types
  • List the possible symptoms / clinical manifestations
  • Describe the epidemiology and risk factors
  • Explain the approach to screening and diagnosis
  • Describe the sequelae / prognosis
  • Explain the approach to management of atrial fibrillation
  • Compare and contrast options for the treatment of the dysrhythmia itself (i.e., rate vs rhythm control)
  • Provide individualised advice as to whether or not therapeutic anticoagulation is required for prevention of thromboembolic complications
  • Outline the option(s) and justify your recommendations If anticoagulation is indicated, list the special considerations associated with triple therapy (i.e., DAPT plus anticoagulation in AF).


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