Book Title: Eddie Koiki Mabo: History in the Making
Book Description: In 2022, to mark the 30th anniversary of the Mabo Decision, this book was developed to provide a focus on the timeline of Eddie Koiki Mabo’s life, the Mabo Decision and the ways in which Eddie Koiki Mabo has been honoured and celebrated over the past few decades. As well as illustrating Mabo’s life and making connections with other resources for further reading, the book contains accompanying educational material available under a Creative Commons license for use in schools all over the world.
As the book contains information and images of a highly personal nature to the Mabo family, the main content of the book is freely available, but under an All Rights Reserved license, and may not be copied or distributed without permission. The teaching material towards the back of the book is available under a CC BY license and may be copied, adapted and distributed freely. Check the licenses at the bottom of the chapters for confirmation before re-using.
Book Information
Eddie Koiki Mabo: History in the Making Copyright © by James Cook University Library. All Rights Reserved.
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