Book Title: Pacific French Intermediate Workbook

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Book Description: This freely available French language ebook seeks to develop Pacific-literacy by highlighting the languages and cultures of the Francophone Islands of New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Wallis & Futuna and French Polynesia. It will be of value to university French language students, high school students and teachers both in Australia and overseas.
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Book Description
This free French language ebook seeks to develop Pacific-literacy by purposefully highlighting the language and culture of the Francophone Islands of New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Wallis & Futuna and French Polynesia. This ebook was originally written for students of French who enrolled in a semester (twelve weeks) of Intermediate French within the College of Arts, Society and Education at James Cook University. It has since been adapted and updated to provide a resource for all French learners who wish to expand their knowledge of Global French, improve their Pacific Literacy, or visit the Francophone Islands of the Pacific region.
The book is aimed at Intermediate learners who already have an A2 level of French (CEFR), and can be used as a free resource by French teachers in high schools, universities and colleges, as well as self-directed learners.
Pacific French Intermediate Workbook Copyright © 2021 by Florence Boulard is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Language teaching and learning