

There are many people who have assisted with this publication, from its initial inception as a series of blog posts in 2018, to the creation of this eBook in 2022-23. A project such as this is richer for having so many talented people contributing their expertise, enthusiasm and time. I’d like to sincerely thank contributing authors Suzie Davies and Liz Downes for their excellent work, and to express my thanks to the following people (in alphabetical order):

Sara Boyle, Claire Brennan, Sharon Bryan, Lisa Capps, Alan Carpenter, Louise Cottrell, Anna Gibbons, Helen Hooper, Martin Jones, Deborah King, Alice Luetchford, Michael Marzik, Bronwyn Mathiesen, Bronwyn McBurnie, Stephanie Morton, Marg Naylor, Joanna Ruxton, and Amber Swayn.

Thanks also go to the National Library of Australia, the Australian Institute of Marine Science, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Fryer Library (University of Queensland), and to Barbara Brown, Jeanie Clifford, Cleo Paskal, Tom Spencer, and Christopher Yonge.

JCU’s journey with the Yonge collection began in the early 2010s when the librarian at AIMS contacted us with the idea of the collection being re-homed at JCU, with a view to broader accessibility and engagement with the material, as well as securing its long-term future. The collection was officially gifted to JCU by AIMS in 2015 and received in June 2016. We express particular thanks to Jon Day (Director of Heritage Conservation at GBRMPA) and Joanna Ruxton (Project Manager – Information Services at GBRMPA) who expressed their support for the idea of the transfer of the collection in writing; and also to Peter Coumbis  (General Counsel for AIMS), and Lisa Capps (AIMS Library & Information Services Co-ordinator), who were key to this process and facilitated the transfer with professionalism and an air of collegial cooperation.