1.5 Conclusion
In this chapter, you have learned what research means, the reasons for doing research in healthcare setting and how it contributes to evidence. Indeed, Neil Armstrong’s statement that “Research is creating new knowledge” accurately captures the essence of the research process. The process of research involves identifying a research problem or question, conducting a literature review to understand what is already known about the topic, formulating a hypothesis or research question, designing a study to test the hypothesis or answer the research question, collecting and analysing data, and finally drawing conclusions and sharing the findings with the wider community.
The process of research entails the systematic investigation and exploration of a particular topic or subject with the aim of discovering new information, insights, and understanding of existing knowledge. Through research, we are able to develop new ideas, theories, and concepts and apply them to solve practical problems. Just like creating a new recipe, research involves creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. In the same manner that the medical student in the opening scenario used their creativity and research skills to create a new sushi recipe, researchers use their expertise and knowledge to generate new knowledge that contributes to the advancement of their respective fields. Research plays a critical role in advancing science, technology, medicine, and many other health professions fields, and has helped to shape the way we understand and interact with the world around us.
In conclusion, the video clip and the research onion diagram below summarise the different stages required to develop an effective research.
The research onion video by Bunmi Malau-Aduli and Faith Alele, used under a CC BY NC ND 4.0 licence