
TCAUE – Conclusion and Endorsement

16 Conclusion

The development of the TCAUE was informed by national and international reports, frameworks, and literature. It aligns with the Threshold Standards (2021), the AQF (2013), and TEQSA’s guidance notes on scholarship in teaching, leadership, TEL, and learner wellbeing and safety. It upholds the recommendation from Universities Australia to “ensure that learner achievement is genuine and verified, and that the credential itself is verifiable” (UA, 2021, p. 9).

Responsibility lies within each institution to fulfil its quality assurance commitments when issuing badges and certificates as recognition of achievement.

The TCAUE follows Universities Australia’s recommendations for micro-credentials as a part of its wider Australasian framework, as follows:

1. Micro-credentials have clear evidence of achievement or learning outcome.
2. Micro-credentials have an understandable unit of exchange.
3. Micro-credentials are quality-assured and verifiable, with sufficient, relevant metadata (UA, 2021, p. 6).

The TCAUE is designed to be offered as a series of stackable modules/micro-credentials which articulate into a full TCAUE Credential equivalent to one subject/unit at AQF 8 Award level (approximately 120 -150 hours as volume of learning). It provides a national learning and teaching recognition framework, with endorsement from CAULLT as the next stage in the process.


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