
TCAUE – Taxonomy and Credential Outline

13 Taxonomy – Statements and Descriptors

Taxonomy - Statements and Descriptors

The Taxonomy for Credentialing Australasian University Educators (TCAUE)  – Statements and Descriptors

The Taxonomy for Credentialing Australasian University Educators (TCAUE) recognises and values the role that educators have in student learning and makes transparent the pathways for personal and professional development. As an Australasian credentialing framework, it is underpinned by regulatory requirements, is aligned to qualification and micro-credentialing frameworks, and permits university contextualisation and portability.

The taxonomy is written from the standpoint that learning and teaching quality should be practice and evidence-based. It encompasses the full range of educator roles, and learning and teaching contexts/communities. Educator roles include academic roles, part-time and sessional teaching, professional and technical positions, research supervision, clinical, laboratory, workshop, studio, field and work-based teaching, industry, and advisory and team-based contributions. In this sense, the taxonomy purposely uses ‘practices or context of practice’ to be inclusive of all educator work.

Educator profiles of Associate University Educator, Foundation University Educator, and Advanced University Educator have been established to outline descriptions of practice, and to value and recognise sophistication and advancement of knowledge, skills, application, and impact. These are indicative and not intended to be prescriptive, nor exhaustive, in nature.

The taxonomy positions students and educators as active learners who are engaged in contemporary and scholarly-informed essential focus areas including: learner-centred learning and teaching, general capabilities, technology-enhanced learning (TEL), learning outcomes and assessment, data and evaluation, and policy and governance. The taxonomy responds to learner diversity and inclusion, Indigenous Peoples’ of Australia and Māori and Pasifika Peoples’ knowledges and experiences, and allows for local and global content and contexts.

This inquiry-based model for scholarly practice, reflection and continuous improvement presents the Dimensions of Learning as Engage-Apply-Evaluate. The model is learner centred, aligns with the Australian Qualifications Framework Domains and Descriptors, and in the central positioning of reflection and continuous improvement brings to the forefront a focus on learner data, evidence-based decision making, and impact. As educators in practice, users can replicate the model to build inquiry, exploration, and assessment into their learning and teaching.

Dimensions of Learning – a practice-based and constructivist model – is outlined below:

  • Engage – learners build knowledge and skills, actively connect with concepts and emerging or earlier practices, collate information, explore, and participate in early implementation and reflect through multiple lenses.
  • Apply – learners synthesise and integrate concepts and ideas, apply strategies and evidence to practice, and reflect through multiple lenses.
  • Evaluate – learners critique knowledge, skills, and practices, monitor quality, reflect through multiple lenses, undertake decision-making and problem-solving, integrate continued improvement, and disseminate innovative approaches across university learning and teaching contexts/communities to influence the practices of others.

The Engage-Apply-Evaluate model helps educators to use inquiry to connect with knowledge and skills through practice and reflection. 


Summary statements

Associate University Educators

Foundation University Educators

Advanced University Educators

Principles Statement

The Taxonomy for Credentialing Australasian University Educators (TCAUE) is underpinned by inclusive design for learning that responds to learner equity, diversity and inclusion, Indigenous People of Australia and Māori and Pasifika Peoples’ knowledges and experiences, and allows for local and global content and contexts. Educators are expected to critique scholarly literature, foster an environment of wellbeing and safety, and regularly reflect on their own teaching practices (or context of practice), and its impact on student learning. Educators work constructively to assure collegial and respectful relationships, with and between, learners, colleagues, and leaders and educators from external organisations.



Educator profiles

Associate University Educators are engaged in learning and/or teaching, and advisory or support roles, which may include guidance or support from experienced educators.

Foundation University Educators are engaged in substantive learning and teaching design and practice, and/or senior learning advisory or support roles and are likely to be established members of one or more university learning and teaching contexts/communities.

Advanced University Educators demonstrate sustained influence on others’ practice within and across one or more university learning and teaching contexts/communities, including mentoring and leadership.




Essential focus areas

Associate University Educators

Foundation University Educators

Advanced University Educators


Learner-centred learning and teaching

Includes online, face-to-face, and hybrid models of teaching




Engage with a variety of learning and teaching approaches and strategies that promote inclusive, engaging, learner-centred environments.

Engage by examining and developing contemporary learning and teaching approaches and strategies to provide learning environments and learning experiences for all students to engage and succeed in learning.

Engage by creating, establishing, and facilitating inclusive and engaging learning and teaching experiences for staff and students.




Apply learning and teaching strategies with an awareness of learner equity, diversity, inclusion, and wellbeing.

Apply evidence-based, scholarly- informed and relevant learning and teaching strategies designed for learner success that actively promote equity, diversity, inclusion, and wellbeing.

Apply inclusive learning and teaching practices, and lead others in their scholarly approaches across a variety/range of learning and teaching contexts/communities.




Evaluate your own contributions to learning and teaching and develop approaches and strategies that could better support learners.

Evaluate institution–based and national learner-centred learning and teaching frameworks and approaches applied in your own practices (or context of practice) and integrate improvements.

Critically analyse and evaluate national and international frameworks and learner-centred approaches and disseminate innovative approaches across university learning and teaching contexts/communities to influence practices of others.

Essential focus areas

Associate University Educators

Foundation University Educators

Advanced University Educators


General capabilities

(AQF informed)

Ethical decision-making
co-operation collaboration
digital literacy
mental health and wellness skills.




Engage with frameworks outlining the general capabilities which support learners and your own capacity building.

Engage with the general capabilities specifically required in a higher education learning and teaching context and incorporate them into your own practices and capacity building.

Investigate creative and innovative approaches to further develop methods and learner activities which specifically enhance the teaching of general capabilities.




Apply specific general capabilities, such as ethical decision-making, self-management, cooperation, collaboration, and digital literacy into your practices (or context of practice).

Apply learning and teaching approaches that enable learners to develop general capabilities to thrive educationally and personally.

Implement innovative approaches to improve the learning and teaching of general capabilities in the context of higher education.




Evaluate the different methods of teaching general capabilities in higher education by analysing your own practices (or context of practice).

Evaluate how general capabilities specific to your practices (or context of practice), such as ethical decision-making, self-management, cooperation, collaboration and digital literacy can be developed and assured.

Critically analyse and evaluate general capabilities frameworks and approaches in higher education and disseminate innovative approaches across university learning and teaching contexts/communities to influence practices of others.

Essential focus areas

Associate University Educators

Foundation University Educators

Advanced University Educators


Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL)




Examine ways that technologies are used to create and/or enhance learning experiences at your own institution .

Examine national frameworks and scholarly literature to explore how TEL can be used and designed to engage and interact with all learners.

Design, create, embed, and manage sustainable, ethical and innovative digital solutions for learning and teaching.




Apply TEL approaches that encourage interaction, collaboration, and communication, to your own practices.

Apply higher education learner-centred approaches enabled by TEL.

Apply futures-orientated and TEL-informed learning opportunities to your practices and when influencing others.




Evaluate ways to embed TEL into your own practices and capacity building.

Evaluate how university-based and scholarly TEL frameworks, standards, and policies impact upon your own practices, and can be used to develop approaches that support all learners.

Critically analyse and evaluate developments in TEL to meet and redefine current and future needs in the higher education sector. Disseminate innovative approaches across university learning and teaching contexts/communities to influence the practices of others.



Essential focus areas

Associate University Educators

Foundation University Educators

Advanced University Educators


Learning outcomes and assessment




Engage with, and investigate how learning outcomes support learners to develop and demonstrate attainment in assessment, and in the design and/or delivery of learning experiences.

Engage in evidence-based and reflective practices in the design and revision of learning outcomes which attend to constructive alignment of subjects/units of study and learning experiences with course/program learning outcomes, appropriate standards, and subject/unit assessment items.

Engage in enquiry and evidence-based, scholarly approaches to create innovative assessment methods that are aligned to learning outcomes (and relative standards or frameworks) and assure an inclusive experience for all learners.




Apply assessment methods relevant to your practices (or context of practice), discipline, and/or learner cohort.

(Some Associate University Educators may not directly engage with assessment or learning outcomes)

Apply and incorporate scholarly informed assessment approaches and methods into your practices and collaborate with colleagues in quality assurance processes.

Create innovative assessment approaches and methods that enable all learners to demonstrate achievement of learning outcomes.




Evaluate similarities and differences in learning outcomes and assessment methods and tasks across subjects/units of study and disciplines within your institution to enhance practices.

Evaluate a variety of assessment approaches, methods, and tasks on attainment of subject/unit and course learning outcomes and integrate revisions for continued improvement.

Evaluate and lead evidence-based, scholarly practices in assuring learning outcomes accommodating the complex alignment of professional, graduate, course, and subject/unit learning outcomes. Disseminate innovative approaches across university teaching contexts/communities, to influence the learning and teaching practices of others.

Essential focus areas

Associate University Educators

Foundation University Educators

Advanced University Educators


Data and evaluation




Identify the types, purposes, and uses of learner data available at your institution which are relevant to your practices (context of practice).

Examine relevant data to identify learning and teaching design, interventions, and improve learner outcomes, engagement, and experience.

Critically examine university and higher education sector data used to report on student outcomes, engagement, practices, quality assurance, and cycles of review.




Interpret available data to report on learners’ outcomes and engagement, and apply to practice (or context of practice).

Apply evidence-based interventions and continued improvement approaches to practice (or context of practice).

Apply relevant university, national, and international higher education sector data to provide innovative solutions for continued improvement.




Evaluate learner data sets for improved learner outcomes and engagement.

Analyse and evaluate comprehensive data sets used to inform learner-focused decision-making. Integrate findings into continued improvement of practices (context of practice).

Critically analyse and evaluate university, national, and international higher education sector data about student outcomes, engagement, and experience and the impact on cycles of review. Disseminate advanced data analysis, insights, and impacts across university teaching contexts/communities, to influence the learning and teaching practices of others.

Essential focus areas

Associate University Educators

Foundation University Educators

Advanced University Educators


Policy and governance




Engage with relevant university policies related to your educator role, and consider implementation of policy in practice.

Examine university, national, and international policies, and frameworks in higher education relevant to your educator role.

Critically appraise how national and international policies, legislation, and frameworks in higher education impact on university policies and governance.




Incorporate university policies into your practices (or context of practice).

Improve university-wide understanding of policy and governance through the application of evidence-informed, scholarly practices.

Create opportunities to apply national and international policies, legislation, and frameworks in higher education into institution-wide practice at your own university.




Evaluate university policies that directly apply to educator roles, and consider how they could be developed to better support learners.

Evaluate the alignment of educational policies at your institution with national and international policies and frameworks and integrate into your practices (or context of practice).

Critically analyse and evaluate how national and international educational policies impact on student success, educator leadership roles and future policy development. Disseminate policy analysis across university learning and teaching contexts/communities to influence practices of others.


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