
Project Details

Taxonomy for Credentialing Australasian University Educators (TCAUE) 

Investigating Learning and Teaching Frameworks and Credentialing for Professional Learning in Higher Education

The Taxonomy for Credentialing Australasian University Educators (TCAUE) recognises and values the role that educators have in student learning, and makes transparent the pathways for personal and professional development. As an Australasian credentialing framework, it is underpinned by regulatory requirements, is aligned to qualification and micro-credentialing frameworks, and permits university contextualisation and portability.

This project was funded by: CAULLT (Council of Australasian University Leaders in Learning and Teaching).

Project Team and Authors: Professor Maree Dinan-Thompson, Professor Simon Bedford, Associate Professor Liz Branigan, Dr Shannon Johnston, Associate Professor Lisa Cary, Associate Professor Andrea Lynch, Dr Ann Luzeckyj, Mrs Gina Saliba, Ms Gill Cowden.

Reviewers and Contributors:  Professor Sally Kift, Professor Gayle Morris, Professor Denise Chalmers, Professor Steven Warburton, Associate Professor Barbie Panther, Dr Ruth Greenaway, Dr Andrea Adam.

CAULLT Liaison: Professor Simon Bedford.



To cite this work: Dinan-Thompson, M., Lynch, A., Cowden, G., Bedford, S., Branigan, L., Cary, L., .Johnston, S., Luzeckyj, A., & Saliba, G. (2022). Taxonomy for credentialing Australasian university educators: Certified professional learning in higher education. James Cook University. https://jcu.pressbooks.pub/tcaue

eBook publication: Professor Maree Dinan-Thompson, Gill Cowden, Alice Luetchford (James Cook University Australia).




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